Small Spaces
Lines I Love...SAIVANA!
4:37 PM

***********See you there**************
Beauty For Real
Baby Got Black
4:24 PM
I'm a smitten kitten. What pray tell, made me fall head over heels for this luscious lash treatment? Simple. I was at the gym yesterday and forgot to take off my makeup off. Ugh. And it was a pretty grueling sweat session. I kept mopping my face with my towel and rubbing my eyes. I knew I was going to leave with some major raccoon-face. When I was done, I slinked off the machine trying to avoid eye contact with my fellow gym goers. Imagine my surprise in the locker room when I looked into the mirror and I was completely smudge free! Huh... impressive. If this miraculous mascara can withstand my gym session, imagine how it will handle a regular day in Haute Houston, or a night out in a sweaty club (hey, if I do have to reapply, at least I have a mirror and a light at my disposal!)
*Now available at High Fashion Home! $23.00
I am a person who loves to have a project. I enjoy days when there is nothing on my plate, yes. But I'm always looking ahead to the next project I'm going to tackle. Call me crafty, but I love to make things. On my list of things to try: stamp-making, french macaron baking, and Japanese Washi Masking Tape! It's already made its rounds all over the blogs, but I'm loving that there are readymade and homemade options out now. Here's a roundup of some of my favorites:
Brick Pattern Masking Tape from Marchare on Etsy, $8.50.
Japanese Washi Making Tape from Uguisu on Etsy, $15 for the set of 6.
Pastel Polka Dot Masking Tape from Marchare on Etsy, $8.50.
If you're more of a DIY type (which I am), here are a couple of great tutorials I've found:
This option shows you how to use watercolors to paint your own tape masterpieces. Great for those incredibly talented artists out there. (Not so much me, but I'll give it a shot!) Via Julie K. In Taiwan.
With all of the great fabrics I've collected over the years, I'm antsy to try this option. It's easy and colorful and requires zero skill with a paintbrush... my kind of craft! I found this tutorial at annekata via Creature Comforts (one of my very favorite blogs from which to get inspiration!). Click here to check out a free washi tape download from Creature Comforts as well. That's another one I want to try!
Last but not least, I love this super-cute use of Japanese Masking Tape: twist ties!
The readymade option: Gingham Twist Ties (set of 80) from Marchare on Etsy, $6.50.
The DIY tutorial via Zakka Life.
House Beautiful Kitchen of the Year 2010
1:23 AMThe House Beautiful Kitchen of the Year 2010 was designed by Mr. Flip Out himself, Jeff Lewis. Jeff is the main "character" on Bravo's show Flipping Out. Of course this kitchen is perfect... have you ever seen his show? I love the openness of the kitchen.... Lots of light, lots of space; everything a kitchen should be. Enjoy the photos! : )
Jeff calls the design "California modern" and points out that he designed it with lots glass and natural light.
He is also a fan of open shelving.
I really love the island cooktop; this way your back doesn't have to be to everyone while you cook. My grandmother has always had an island cooktop and it makes cooking more fun for us.
Jeff put a little hangout nook to the side of the kitchen. It's separated by a see-through wine rack so that it's still part of the kitchen. Sofa is by Design Within Reach.
I really enjoy the high ceilings. The chairs at the table are similar to our Matteo Leather Barstools. Or, if you like the lower back chairs there's the Alexander Leather Barstool.
The Licht im Raum chandelier he chose as a conversation starter.
And then we go outdoors. I love great outdoor areas so this appealed to me.
Fashion designer Lela Rose recently gave a house tour to Shelterpop. She and her husband took an old fabric warehouse in New York and converted it from a raw, cold space to a stunningly, clever home decor space. Proof is below:
The retro modern sectional with the contrast seat fabric is a perfect compliment to the red accent home decor items in the room.
Simple, yet interesting. Rose had these Louis XIV chairs reupholstered in a fabric that was inspired from one of her fashion designs.
Very unique. A table that comes out of the hardwood floors in one unexpected, grand gesture.
Adding nice drapes to a canopy bed is a brilliant touch.
A circular banquette was custom designed for the living room. The footprint of the banquette is real small, yet it sits 10 people.
Nothing like an intense game of Scrabble being the focal point in this sophisticated game room.
The HF team was hard at work last week merchandising a truck full of antiques. The pieces are old. They are heavy as hell. And they are just divine. Check out some of the great pics that were taken.
The t-shaped pillar took a small army of 8 people to set up. It's over a hundred years old and weighs in at a slim 900 pounds.
I'm not sure if I should be scared or laugh. This statue will be a conversation piece for sure.
Two remarkably heavy, stone face Buddhas sit on top of this beautiful Amazon Buffet.
The India Buddha statue stands at about 8 feet tall.
The hand detail work on this 10 foot high pillar is exquisite.
The Naga tribe, one of the last headhunter tribes, used this antique as a rice mill. It is cut out of one solid tree and makes for a dramatic, 12 foot coffee table.
The rice mill/coffee table makes for a nice decorative pillow display too.
The craftsmanship on this antique door is impeccable, featuring hand in-lay mother of pearl.
The unique brass hardware on the door is one of 8 antique doors that were brought in.
Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel
1:23 AMI recently had the privilege of being a guest at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel. My friend, Whitney, was the lucky winner of a radio contest (and she took me!) that included a 2 night stay at this amazing hotel.... Thanks Whitney and 103.7 FM! The hotel staff was so wonderful. The lobby was amazing. I loved the sofas, chairs, rugs, lamps..... The giant gold mural on the lobby wall. The hallways feature black and white photos of Old Hollywood stars. Our room was right by the pool; great view and our beds were incredible!! I had so much fun and I just wanted to share it. Stay here if you ever have the opportunity. So worth it! : )
Outside of the Beverly Hilton
The gold mural I mentioned covers the wall in the lobby. "Studies of Water" by Nancy Lorenz. In person, you can see all the texture of the mural.... Beautiful.
Trader Vic's Lounge. Our room was off to the right. The hotel shows movies every Tuesday and Thursday night on the wall by the pool. Fun!
One of the many canopy covered beds by the pool. So relaxing.
One of the Wilshire Tower Deluxe King guest rooms. See.... doesn't that bed just scream "SLEEP HERE!!!"
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