I'd like to introduce you to Zipper8Lighting. I found these awesome light pieces while on Etsy. Her light fixtures look incredible and I love that she uses materials like plastic bags, road maps, old paperback books an even drink umbrellas to create them!
This is the Cocktail Umbrella Pendant. So colorful and so cute!
The Plastic Bag Pendant Lamp. I can't even tell that it's made from plastic bags!
The Round Flat Mixed Book Page Pendant. I like that they look great off during the day and on at night.
The Tufted Ruffles Pendant Light is made of...... Coffee Filters! Amazing.
The Artichoke Road Map Pendant is so cute!
A closer look at the Road Map Pendant.
Do You Pinterest?
1:32 AM
My friend, Whitney, is a Pinterest-aholic. She is always Pinterest this, Pinterest that and for good reason. If you haven't checked it out yet, I suggest that you do. Pinterest describes their site as an "online pin-board community" where anything you love, find interesting or beautiful, places you want to visit etc. can be Pinned to your boards and shared with everyone who follows your boards. I have seen so many great design ideas, fabulous recipes and such; it's fun. If you know someone who is already on Pinterest they can send you an invitation or you can request an invitation through the website. Check out some of the Pins.
Glass Jar Pendants. Pinned by my friend, Christian.
(from West Elm)
Another Pin from Christian. She loves the table from CB2.
A Pin a la Whitney. I love this space too!
(photo from Apartment Therapy)
Another Pin from Whit. I want to be wherever this is!
(photo from homedsgn)
GREAT idea! A recessed wine bin in your picnic table.
(from Dwell)
Another great idea Pinned by my cousin! Ribbon lampshade.
(from Midwest Living)
Or simply share things that make you laugh. This is pretty funny!
Historic House, Redone
1:32 AM
This 1930's house in Washington is simply gorgeous. It belongs to designer Ted Tuttle who brought the house "back to life" with some interior and exterior remodeling, lots of white paint and a beautiful mix of furnishings.
(photos from Elle Decor)
(photos from Elle Decor)
Mr. Tuttle completely re-landscaped the house and revamped the picket fence. Love the picket fence.
The living room is so bright and beautiful. LOVE the floors.
(daybed is from Mies van der Rohe and wood stumps are from Pottery Barn)
Another shot of the living room. I want that little side table!
(the sofa is custom, the side table is by Rose Tarlow and the painting is by John Belingheri)
The black table and chairs look great with the floors. And I do love an amazing chandelier.
(French chandelier and English chinoiserie cabinet are antiques and the chairs are from Crate & Barrel)
The bedroom is so lovely. I love the chairs facing each other by the window and with the white chairs, white shades and white bedding the room is so bright.
(chairs are from B&B Italia)
I love how the bathroom looks!
(all fixtures, the sink and tile flooring are from Waterworks)
If the selection, placement, and combination of objects underlay the art of interior design, then Marie Olsson Nylander’s waterfront haven is its ideal iteration. A bright, clean, and white palette forms the playful backdrop or carte blanche to subsequent bursts of color, from turquoise to shades of orange. Combine this with ingenious configurations—humble, modern Eames chairs situated beneath an overwrought and sizable table, lit by an overarching floor lamp (in lieu of the traditional chandelier)—and you have access to the flowering of an overactive imagination.
True Blood: The New Compton House
1:32 AM
I love True Blood (every Sunday night on HBO). I love Bill Compton (played by Stephen Moyer who is also married to Anna Paquin, who plays Sookie on the show). And I LOVE the remodeled Compton house (set) on True Blood! In seasons 1-3, the Compton house was severely run down and looked ready to be torn down but season 4 brings us the new, fabulously chic Compton house.
(photos from The LA Times)
(photos from The LA Times)
The foyer. The chandelier is the thing that inspired me to blog about this new set. I LOVE, LOVE it!!
(chandelier is from H.D. Buttercup, metal sphere surrounding chandelier is from Mortise & Tenon, hall table from Craig Olsen and wall sconces from LAMF)
I like the neutral colors in the living room with the sofas facing each other. Love the stripes on the curtains and the lamps are beautiful.
(Sofas are from Cisco Brothers, coffee table is from H.D. Buttercup and the lamps are from Mortise & Tenon)
The office is darker with beautiful wallpaper, faux crocodile chairs and another amazing chandelier.
(Desk is from Eric Brand Furniture, faux croc chairs from 22 Bond St., chandelier from LAMF and the custom silk drum shade around the chandelier (LOVE that look) is from H.D. Buttercup)
I do love the wallpaper and the colors in the office. Don't even get me started on the gorgeous Alexander Skarsgard and Stephen Moyer!!
I like the neutral colors in the living room with the sofas facing each other. Love the stripes on the curtains and the lamps are beautiful.
(Sofas are from Cisco Brothers, coffee table is from H.D. Buttercup and the lamps are from Mortise & Tenon)
The office is darker with beautiful wallpaper, faux crocodile chairs and another amazing chandelier.
(Desk is from Eric Brand Furniture, faux croc chairs from 22 Bond St., chandelier from LAMF and the custom silk drum shade around the chandelier (LOVE that look) is from H.D. Buttercup)
I do love the wallpaper and the colors in the office. Don't even get me started on the gorgeous Alexander Skarsgard and Stephen Moyer!!
One word...Maldives...
I remembered looking at a list for the "Most Beautiful Island in the World", and the Maldives was ranked at #1. So for the last few years, I always picture the Maldives when I want to think about impossibly happy, exotic vacations. Apartment Therapy did a quick write up on the Conrad Hotel recently, and it compelled me to share some of the tear inducing photos:
*tear* This reminds me of the cool huts in the movie, Couples Retreat.
Really?!? I'm used to the water in Galveston, TX, where it's more of a mocha color.
I don't know how to swim, but I would start taking lessons if this was at all possible.
How great is it to have you own private hut open out the the beautiful waters of the Indian Ocean?
This looks photoshopped to me.
I don't even want to know how much they charge for the underwater penthouse bedroom. At least you will save money by not having to go to an aquarium.
I wonder if fish is on the menu in this romantic restaurant.
Now I know what true love is...Maldives....
I love checking out local artists/designers on Etsy. Today I came across Groovy Gal Designs and I LOVE her artwork! She sells her original paintings and other "groovy gifts" through her shop on Etsy, as well as her own website. Her paintings are so colorful and so fun. It's an added bonus that she is a local artist because I do enjoy supporting our locals whenever possible and I think everyone should have at least one original piece of artwork in their home (or office). Enjoy!
This Hippie Love painting is the one that caught my eye. It features one of my favorite words.... LOVE. : )
Her Love Mosaic painting is fabulous!!
Love her Red Flower Explosion.
She also does these digital photos with funky backgrounds. This one is called Groovy Bird.
I adore her Square Roots Watercolor!!!
Her Flowers at Sunset is very calming to me. 
I love the 3D-ness of her Color Block painting!
Old Treasures With New Pleasures!
1:21 AM
I always wonder how people use antique pieces in their home. Finally, I have found some photos on Miss Design's blog that really exemplify how one should display these antiques. It's a really great inspiration to be able to look at how someone created something that may have been useless and now it's very useful to them. Looking at the photos below, it is like playing an eye spy antique's game that is extremely entertaining.
I didn't notice the door at first, but I'm surely glad I did.
Cool burlap cool pillows. High Fashion Home sells similar pillows.
Look at that column, love it!
In this room they did a great job mixing in the new with the old.
Love the way they reused an old door as molding or just a piece to finish off the dining.
A charming bench for the bedroom is a great touch!
Cool burlap cool pillows. High Fashion Home sells similar pillows.
Look at that column, love it!
In this room they did a great job mixing in the new with the old.
Love the way they reused an old door as molding or just a piece to finish off the dining.
A charming bench for the bedroom is a great touch!