
Maldives, I Love You!

12:15 AM

 One word...Maldives...

I remembered looking at a list for the "Most Beautiful Island in the World", and the Maldives was ranked at #1.  So for the last few years, I always picture the Maldives when I want to think about impossibly happy, exotic vacations.  Apartment Therapy did a quick write up on the Conrad Hotel recently, and it compelled me to share some of the tear inducing photos:

*tear* This reminds me of the cool huts in the movie, Couples Retreat.

 Really?!?  I'm used to the water in Galveston, TX, where it's more of a mocha color.

 I don't know how to swim, but I would start taking lessons if this was at all possible.

 How great is it to have you own private hut open out the the beautiful waters of the Indian Ocean?

This looks photoshopped to me.

I don't even want to know how much they charge for the underwater penthouse bedroom.  At least you will save money by not having to go to an aquarium.
I wonder if fish is on the menu in this romantic restaurant.

Now I know what true love is...Maldives....

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  1. excellent design blog! you've done really gr8 job! :) thanks for sharing..

  2. Thanks. Sharing is caring, so we'll try and keep it up.

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  4. Wonderful design blog.beautiful photography.thank for sharing.....
