Tug Of War: The Roman Or The Darlington?
11:14 AM
Let's start up tug of war once again between to greats sofas! The Roman sectional and the Darlington sofa. Both have beautifully tufted bodies and very unique styles. The Roman would inspire a room that is modern with a touch of glam. It would be eye catching in any setting and would accentuate every piece in that space. Now, the Darlington is another story. This sofa has a masculine feel which can give a room definition. Get the fellas together and have a poker night and you will see that the evening will end relaxing on the Darlington. But the Darlingtion isn't just a sofa for the guys, it's a sofa for everyone. This sofa can be put in an eccentric space and can add a beautiful touch to the room. Which ever way you go, you can't go wrong.
Let us know which one you would choose. The glamorous Roman sectional or the well defined Darlington sofa? You are entered to win a $200 gift card just for commenting on our facebook page! The winner will be chosen at random, but you have to be our fan to participate. Click here to enter.