I have a confession. I am addicted to the blog notcot.org. It is not a secret to anyone who knows me well, or those who pass by my desk at work and catch me drooling over every new post. I am equally as smitten with the sister sites tastespotting.com and notcouture.com as well as the original notcot.com.
I am almost too greedy to post this in case everyone else has the same reaction as me and I have to share my love with the world. What makes these sites so great is the layout. Each new post is represented by a pic displayed like a poloroid in a contact sheet. You see them all at once. And even though I am familiar with some of the products from other sites and publications (yes, yes... I am free with my design site lovin'), it is nice to see everything in front of me. I am all for visual stimulation.
Tastespotting is dedicated to food blogs and recipes.
Notcot .org is a design and graphic wonderland.
Not only do I check all these sites first thing every morning, I refresh the pages multiple times a day as the postings continue. I did mention it was an addiction... right? Now, shhhhhh... don't tell everyone how fabulous this site is. A girls got to keep her secrets on where she finds the best gadgets, stylish clothing and killer scone recipe on the hush-hush!