Living in Texas almost my entire life, I didn't need a news report to confirm that Texas is probably the biggest polluter around. I was driving home from dinner tonight, and I witnessed an entire parking lot filled with SUV's and trucks. Only in Texas....
Texas spewed "670 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in 2003, enough that Texas would rank seventh in the world if it were its own country, according to the most recent figures from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The amount is more than that of California and Pennsylvania -- the second- and third-ranking states -- combined."
It is really troubling when the Governor of your state has "expressed doubt as to whether global warming is even a manmade problem." Of course, our leadership only reflects the attitude of most Texans. Fewer than 4 percent of Texans polled last spring viewed the environment as a top concern. Contrast that with a national poll of Americans where almost 50% viewed global warming as a very serious issue.
Well, if Texans can't shake their love of trucks, can we at least make the switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs? The environment's most unlikely champion, Wal-Mart, is even hip with it. Click on this New York Times article to see how we can all play the biggest part in the simplest of ways.
Have you heard the good news? Jesus loves you!