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Do You Pinterest?

1:32 AM

My friend, Whitney, is a Pinterest-aholic. She is always Pinterest this, Pinterest that and for good reason. If you haven't checked it out yet, I suggest that you do. Pinterest describes their site as an "online pin-board community" where anything you love, find interesting or beautiful, places you want to visit etc. can be Pinned to your boards and shared with everyone who follows your boards. I have seen so many great design ideas, fabulous recipes and such; it's fun. If you know someone who is already on Pinterest they can send you an invitation or you can request an invitation through the website. Check out some of the Pins.

 Glass Jar Pendants. Pinned by my friend, Christian.
(from West Elm)

 Another Pin from Christian. She loves the table from CB2.

 A Pin a la Whitney. I love this space too! 
(photo from Apartment Therapy)

Another Pin from Whit. I want to be wherever this is!
(photo from homedsgn

 GREAT idea! A recessed wine bin in your picnic table.
(from Dwell)

 Another great idea Pinned by my cousin! Ribbon lampshade.

Or simply share things that make you laugh. This is pretty funny!

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  1. I know!! I love that with Pinterest you get to see so many things you may not have seen otherwise. Friends find the neatest stuff.
    Thank you for reading!

  2. I'm happy you enjoyed the pictures. If you're not a Pinterest member, you may want to join because there is so much more shared awesomeness than what I showed on here. :)
    Thank you for reading!
