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You're So Vain

6:09 PM

Everytime I pull my desk chair into the bathroom to flatiron my hair, I wish I had a vanity. First of all, there's barely enough room in the bathroom in which to put the chair, and if hubby and I are trying to get ready at the same time, it's downright impossible. I'm hoping I'll be able to make another small change once we move into a bigger apartment (and after that, a house!).
Jolene Modern Chic Vanity Table by deerdane on Etsy.
I found this photo on Apartment Therapy, and I think it's perfect for my needs. It's compact, inexpensive, and clean-lined. It doesn't hold a lot of stuff, but I'm not exactly what you'd call high-maintenance. My makeup drawer consists of a tube of Maybelline Great Lash and some concealer. Since I'll be losing my desk to a dining room table, this will be a great alternative location for my clear Ghost chair. All that's left is finding the perfect mirror and I'm all set! I love it when things go my way...

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  1. vanities are a must! you should always be aware of your presentation as it is a mirror to one's well-being :)
