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Mood Lighting

7:10 AM

I love nothing more than to sit on a back patio with a chilled glass of Riesling and a plate of cheese and fruit and chat with friends and family until the mosquitoes chase us indoors. Sometimes, when the weather is cool enough, the mosquitoes don't make an appearance and we can hang out well into the night. That's when I would want a setup like the one above (from a Grange ad). Strands of fairy lights and mismatched paper lanterns are such a better alternative to tiki torches and citronella candles.

Since Martha Stewart could never leave anything plain, hers have pretty paper butterflies affixed. I like these for a sweet outdoor chandelier at a dinner party.

The Nuevo Star lanterns have a little more punch and I love them in small doses. I would have never thought to place one in front of a cabinet/bar, but it's cute and quirky! BTW: We carry these at the store in lots of vibrant colors!

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