
Wishing On A Wall

11:48 AM

Here at the store, we try to come up with new and innovative ways to grab our customers' attention. Sometimes, it's with bright window displays. Other times, with a new line of awesome furniture. This time, it's just about interaction.
There's lots of room left for all of your wishes!
Meet the Wish Wall. It's simple really: Come to our store, write down your wish on a colorful slip of paper, and place it in the wall. (Then peruse the store for some interior inspiration!) I may not be able to guarantee your wish will come true, but maybe the act of writing down your desire will give you the jumpstart you need to make your wish come true without a miracle.
I've got my wish ready- how about you? For you out-of-towners, what is your wish? Leave a comment and I'll make sure it makes it to the wall!

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  1. What did you use as the honeycomb piece and where did you get it? I need it for an art project
