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Zip Up Your Candlesticks!

1:09 PM

Solid candle sleeves in a plethora of colors!

Here's a random little tidbit for your Monday afternoon...

Do the candlesticks in your chandelier or sconces seem a bit...blah? Want to do something fun, but not spend a ton of money? As I was flipping through House Beautiful the other day, I came across Candle Sleeves by KarrsKoker. Seriously, why didn't we think of this before? It's so simple. Plain chandelier/sconce + Candle Sleeves = Badass light fixture.
It's the toughest chandelier on the block.
This one is my favorite. No wonder it's their bestseller!

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  1. I love the pink one. It's unique and would work great in a teen girls room.

  2. Absolutely lovely!
    If I wasn't allergic to wax, I'd do it just like you do.

