
The Safe House

1:32 AM

Originally I heard about The Safe House when a friend of mine sent me an email about The Zombie Proof House (they are the same house)... I must admit, I do have an irrational fear of zombies which is why she would send me an email that is zombie related. (^_^) Anyhoo, the house is incredible and not just for it's anti-zombie potential! It was designed by KWK Promes to offer a feeling of maxiumum security to the residents; it can be completely closed off from its surroundings. When it's open though, it's quite welcoming and beautiful. After looking at KWK's other creations, this house is not their only amazing design; check out their other inspired developments.
(photos from designboom and homedsgn)

The Safe House on the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland
 A view of the driveway side. It does't looking very inviting or beautiful here but just wait.
East corner with the house all closed up.

The house in the process of opening. The moving parts of the house are light steel trusses, filled with mineral wool, then plywood was cement bonded onto that and stained. Everything is remote control operated.

The east corner now open.

South corner while the house is closed.

South corner now open.

An amazing view from the inside out. The interior is so clean and simple... just gorgeous.

This is the backyard! Incredible. Love the covered outdoor area.

The drawbridge which takes you to the terrace space above the pool.

Beautiful outdoor area and the indoor pool.

Back of the house at night.

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