How To Print DIY Patterned Fabric | Apartment Therapy Chicago
5:58 AM

How do you solve the dilemma of finding patterned curtains that will match your existing paint colors? Easy. Use the left over paint to stencil your own patterned drapes.
I saw this DIY project over at Apartment Therapy, and I thought it was a creatively, awesome idea. This budget friendly technique gives you unlimited possibilities in helping to tie in your drapery with the rest of your home decor. All you need is some canvas fabric, paint, and just the right stencil pattern.
Once you are done painting your walls, just use the left over paint to do your drapes!
With any DIY project, be prepared to put in some good ole fashion elbow grease.

By no means is this going to be easy. But the payoff can be immensely rewarding.
Voila! You won't have to worry about whether your drapery is going to match your wall colors.
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