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Hand Written

6:09 AM

You know that feeling when you get a handwritten note in the mail? It feels good, like someone took that little bit of extra time to say hello. Handwriting is undeniably warmer than the cold text of Times New Roman. That's why I love the ways that designers are incorporating handwriting into their pieces...

Shakespeare gets ushered into a new medium- wallpaper! By Tracy Kendall.

If rugs could talk, I imagine they wouldn't appreciate being walked all over. Negative Rug by Kasthall.

Shabby chic tea time... by Claire Coles.

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  1. love the handwriting aspect. i came across a designer who hand paints all her products: martini, champagne, wine glasses. these glasses are also available in unique new gel candles which i fell in love with. it is called Designs by Lolita at www.thelolitastore.com. you should definitely check out these handmade pieces with handwriting on them if you get a chance, enjoy!

  2. wow! beautiful! the second wallpaper is beautiful. i have been trying to find something like this and i cant.
