It's never easy to compromise- especially on something as important as decorating your home. Whether you are working with a roommate, a spouse, or a sibling, you have to find a middle ground.
I'll be taking on my own decorating project at home when I get married in one month. My husband, and all of his "man stuff" will be invading my feminine space. Gone will be the days of leaving my stuff on the coffee table and cleaning it up when I feel like it. No more shoes strewn across every room of the apartment. It's time to make room for another.
I'm more of a visual learner (as I know many of y'all are), so I went in search of some inspiration for my gender-neutral decor. My fiance gave them the thumbs up, so what about you? Did I hit the nail on the head or am I too biased by my own style to find a true combination of masculine and feminine? Take a look...