I've never been a big Halloween celebrator myself, but I do love a good pumpkin carving session. You can't be squeamish when it's time to pull the pumpkin-ey guts out! The things some people can do with a pumpkin and a knife- it's amazing! I'm sure I'll see lots more creepy creations after Halloween is over, but to get you (and myself) in the ghoulish spirit, here are some good ones I've found:
Great pumpkin concept- unfortunately it was made with Photoshop and not a knife. If anyone is willing to give it a shot, send me a photo and I'll post your effort! Via Worth1000.
It takes a very steady hand to make a skull this perfect from a pumpkin. Via Extreme Pumpkins.
I want to try another Martha Stewart idea this year- painting my jack-o-lanterns with black paint to up the spooky factor!
Another Photoshop design that I would love to see done! Via Worth1000.
A filigreed jack-o-lantern face. That's quite a practice in patience! Via Martha Stewart.
Only one problem- your pumpkin will be completely naked by the end of the night. It's still awesome, though. Via Extreme Pumpkins (yes, there are entire websites devoted to the art of pumpkin carving!).