Don't Forget to Say "Thank You!"
8:53 AM
When someone is kind enough to let you stay in their home, whether for one night or one month, it's common knowledge that you should thank them. When the trip is an extended one, it's generally expected that you thank your host or hostess (or both) with a gift. The longer the stay, the more the gift. Here are some ideas for the next time you find yourself on someone's couch (or, if you're lucky, in their guest room).
A Weekend Stay:
We always had a lot of weekend visitors at my house growing up. Usually aunts and uncles passing through town on their way to another destination. Occasionally, an old friend of my parents coming for a short visit. When you find yourself on a visit like this, bring a little something to say, "I know you're going to tidy up like a madman before and after I leave, so thanks for the extra effort."
A Weeklong Vacation:
Once you are staying with somone for an entire week, you're probably disrupting their schedule at least a bit. There are meals to be made, sheets to wash, and daily entertainment to be prepared. When you are staying with someone for that amount of time, put more thought into a thank you gift. They've worked hard! For the host that likes to get outside an grill, put together a gift basket with a few of these gourmet barbeque sauces from Williams-Sonoma. Get a small piece of jewelry for a fashion-loving hostess (or host). A coffee table book on a favorite subject is usually something people want, but may not get for themselves. That's your chance!
The Month Long Move-in:
If you're staying for a couple weeks to a month, some big time kissing up is required. Your host may love to spend time with you, but they've still have to change around their schedule for you more than just a couple of times. Get something you know they'll love- something they may not just get for themselves. Your gift to them should be a splurge!I love these Orimono Pillows from Anthropologie. The bright colors will add a lot to a room and certainly brighten your host's day after the extra cooking and cleaning they've done! To give your hosts a break after your visit, get them a giftcard to a nice restaurant- enough for some good wine, a delicious dinner, and dessert. You could also snag a couple tickets to an event they would love- a concert, a play, the ballet, etc.
Thanking your host will not only make you feel better about imposing on them, it will also guarantee another stay at their home if you need it! And don't forget, it's always necessary to send a little note after you've left to say one final "Thank you!"