Earth Day After: Top 5 Eco-Friendly Woods
6:28 PM
Since HF Guy beat me to the chase at publishing an Earth Day blog, I decided to make my own holiday: Earth Day After. It's like Earth Day, but one day late (and no, it doesn't come with any early morning regret).
Wood is probably a major component of the furniture in your home, if not the only component. So why not seek out woods that are stylish, durable, and eco-friendly. It's easier than you think to find sustainable wood designs that will decorate your home, keep some moola in your pocket, and do their part for Mother Nature. Read on...Teak? Good. Reclaimed teak? Even better. Teak is fantastic because of it's strength and resistance to weather, making it a popular choice for outdoor furniture. It is also strong even when it is not treated with any varnishes, so that is less to worry about as well. This Meg chair is made from reclaimed teak.
Peroba wood is one of my favorites because of its interesting texture and patina. The wood for this Lotus bed was recycled from old barns in Brazil. You can still see the paint on some of the wood chips. The peroba color varies from light to dark within each piece and is accented by responsibly harvested Mahogany.
Acacia wood, which makes up the Montana Dining Table, is another fantastic hardwood that hails from India. Its fast growth time makes it environmentally friendly, but its smooth surface and warm color make it perfect for a home. Another fun fact: Acacia wood is revered in India for its power to ward off evil.
BambooTimbre is, in a word, unique. It's all about texture with striated lines running through the piece. The lighter finishes espceially bring out the look. Bamboo also grows exceptionally fast and is durable enough to last for decades. The Carmel Media Cabinet is only one of many BambooTimbre pieces available at our store.
Did you know that once the fruit is picked from a Mango tree, it does not bear fruit again? That is why using the wood from the Mango tree is an eco-friendly move. Instead of pitching the wood in the garbage, farmers can make a profit from the barren tree and we can have beautiful furniture made from durable and water-resistant Mangowood. The Congo bed is a great example.