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Grass Covered House?!

3:33 AM

It may be synthetic grass but this house is covered in it! The entire exterior of this Austrian house (designed by Reinhold Weichlbauer and Albert Josef Ortis) reminds me of something out of Wacky Wednesday by Dr. Seuss!! Staircases set where they are there only for looks, not function, extending out into open space. Windows on top of other windows but turned sideways. Pretty awesome looking though!
(photos from freshome)

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  1. Wow...honestly it would be even cooler if those stairs WERE functional! Imagine, you could just climb all over your house like one of those carpet castle things that crazy people buy for their cats...You could even have some planter boxes, or a cool patio or something. With an awning of course...

    The mind boggles!

  2. Molly - HAHAHAHA!! It would be wild to be able to crawl all over your house!
    Thank you so much for reading and commenting! :)

  3. This is so cute. Thank you for the posts and thanks for the cute pictures too!

  4. Wow, what a fantastic and unique use for synthetic grass!
    I don't think all houses will be able to accomodate this kind of out there design, but it shows off greatly of pliable and versatile synthetic grass is!
    A thoroughly enjoyable read.

  5. That house looks brilliant. The shape and the bright green grass that covers it makes me want one myself. Thanks for the post.
