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Nursery School

6:48 AM

Now that I'm halfway through my pregnancy and we know we're having a boy, John and I are getting started on the nursery.  My style definitely leans toward the modern side of the spectrum, and that's not always easy to find for baby goodies!  I've got a long way to go on nursery shopping, but I've found a couple of cool things so far...

Check out the unique "bookshelves" on the back wall.  I've already gotten a few board books from my mom and the baby hasn't even been born yet.  I think a couple of these will prove to be quite handy!  Photo via Ohdeeoh.

John really wanted a rocking chair in the room.  I searched antique stores high and low looking for a classic, clean-lined rocking chair.  Nothing.  I did, however, find this simple rocker at Pottery Barn Kids!  So, another task down, about a thousand to go!

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  1. He's right, every nursery needs a rocking chair! And this one is very nice, classic and simple, I love it.

  2. Hiiii...
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