We Did It!

7:00 PM

Top Five Reasons To Conquer a Half-Marathon:

#5: It's a good excuse to skip the parties and get to bed early!

#4: The bags full of free swag!

#3: Holiday pounds? Not you!

#2: The awe of family and friends. "You ran how many miles?!"

#1: The satisfaction and pride you get from crossing that finish line faster than you predicted!

You may have guessed by now that I did some running this weekend. Cynthetica and I travelled West to San Antonio for the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and Half-Marathon and we had a blast! There were some pre-race nerves, but we did better than we expected with a time of 2 hours, 29 minutes and 7 seconds. Considering this was the longest run I'd ever attempted, I was pretty pleased! The highlight of the course for me (aside from the finish line) had to be one spectator's "inspiring" sign spied around mile 8: "Don't stop now...Finishing is your only damn option." How true.

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