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Inbox Love

7:33 AM

I get a ton of junk mail. My morning routine includes hitting the delete button about 50 times because I HATE having mail stack up in my inbox. Something made me open this email and when I did, I was happy. Look at what I found!

It's RACHEL Rachel Roy, a bridge line of very cool, reasonably priced designer duds! I am in big trouble...

Nothing will ship until early October, but think of it this way: When it arrives, it'll feel like an unexpected present!
I think this is my favorite. It's sexy, but not grotesque. It'd be perfect for a fashionista party!

Seriously! All of the prices are SO GOOD! The most expensive thing is $249 for a leather jacket. Not. Too. Shabby.
Tres Balmain without the exorbitant price tag. Well played. Anyways, you can get your hands on this stuff at RachelRoy.com or Macy's. So, um, hop to it!

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