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A Holiday Tidbit

12:24 PM

Sweet little birds and tiny vintage ornaments on a wiry tabletop tree...

I know it's a bit late for holiday stuff, but I just wanted to share a little something from my Christmas with my family. On Christmas Eve, I went to my parents' house for a pre-Church meal. My mom had, once again, decorated the house simply, but beautifully. One thing in particular caught my eye. She's always puts this little Christmas tree out on a table with some of her smaller ornaments, but this year, she added some gorgeous bird ornaments that I fell in love with! She always does a fresh tree as well, embellished with her huge collection of blown glass ornaments (I love looking at them all!), but the small tree is another burst of color in an otherwise neutral hallway. It's a great idea for small apartment dwellers without room for a large tree, or if you just need a space for tiny ornaments. Well played, Mom! Thanks for passing on your style genes!

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