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HF Weekly Obsession: Right On Time

11:40 AM

I need a clock. I don't really have a clock in the living room, except on the DVR menu and if the TV isn't on, I can't see what time it is. That's quite frustrating. And so, I plan on buying a clock. Grandfather clocks are too big and the roman numerals are annoying to read. This clock, above, is cool and minimalist and easy for slackers to read. It's really just a chunk of wood with a power cord attached, but plug it in and red LED lights appear from behind the thin veneer displaying the time! File that one under "How the heck did they do that?". At $176, it won't break the bank, and all of your friends can ooh and ahh over your uber-stylishness. And that's priceless.

Wood LED Clock at High Fashion Home.

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