Brilliant Book of the Week:

5:15 PM

I'm sure everyone has either heard of or dealt with the "green" movement; whether it be buying energy efficient appliances to recycling or even gutting a home and replacing as many items as possible with green products. The following book will help all those eco-friendly, do-gooders do a good job creating an environmentally friendly home.

Check it out!

"The Healthy Home: Workbork" by Kimberly Rider. (Click the title and link to Amazon!)

I can't tell you how much great information this little 190 page book has! From huge renovations such as changing your bedroom carpet to hardwood, or small projects, like making your own pillows, and quick fixes, adding house plants for air purification, you can convert your whole household into a place that is clean, safe, and friendly to the earth. So shoo away those meanies who'd call you a greenie--they're not the ones with "The Healthy Home!"

Happy Reading!!

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